Sunday, April 24, 2011

★ever after saw the world better ★

its been a long time i have been thinking of
getting rid of my glasses ..
from grade four when it was when i started
wearing specs the time it was very nice..
but later on it was getting difficult with out wearing it
i had to wear every wear i go every time
of my life....after 6 years wearing glasses
i heard that there was a surgery which
i could get beck my eye power's to normal
so i discussed it with my parents and we were
planed to go to that place in travandrum , lesik center
but that was a time that i hated caz i hoped that it
would be the time i would be done with the glasses thing
but i was so unlucky i could not make the surgery...they
were kind of stupid saying that i cant do
if im not 18..they gave a power to make a new
glasses but it self i threw it was like damn
i have to wear these magnifying glasses again for a

year..then i knew that they did't wont the money just the
surgery to be successful they wanted..well i did't gave
damn about it just its i have to wear these glasses or else
i would see people like animals..or girls with out cloths
or just its i would see the dinosaurs
..well im just kidding
after changing to my new home town
with in march we again planed to go there..
and yeah it was the first time i took the train
to travel was a long 1 day trip..this time
i hated before going was a bored trip
but finally after all tests this time i could do it
it was finally successful and painful..
but i could not open my eye's for a 3 days..
but it was allright with me caz i could take the pain..
its all about the trip..
hope you enjoyed

more to come
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